Displaying 131 - 140 of 910

Financial Inclusion Metrics for the Real World

How a spatial understanding of financial inclusion can contribute to meaningful measurement and impact

Insights on the Preferences and Usage of Financial Services by Savings Groups in Tanzania

Identifying the potential for linking savings groups to formal financial service providers

The Road to Launching "Bundled Microinsurance" in Fiji: Key Lessons

Fiji’s journey toward creating an industry-backed insurance project

Microfinance and Business Start-ups: Review of the Current Practice in Europe

Challenges and opportunities for larger engagement of MFIs in the start-up segment

Microfinance for Syrian Refugees: The Lebanese and Jordanian Market

Addressing the information gap for the financial services needs of refugees

Escaping Darkness: Understanding Consumer Value in PAYGo Solar

In-depth discussions with customers on purchase decisions, value assessments and cash flow patterns

Agents of Change: How the Human Touch Is Bringing Digital Financial Services to New Customers in India

10 key insights on training, equipping, and promoting product awareness among agents
FinDev Blog

Four Challenges for Shifting from MFI to SME Finance

Lessons learned at African Microfinance Week on effective tools for moving into this customer segment in Africa.


SMEs and SDGs: Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – Insights from a BlueOrchard Survey

Understanding key challenges and opportunities to provide support to the SME sector

Warehouse Receipt Financing in Pakistan

Assessing the status of this type of agricultural credit based on interviews with 23 organizations