Displaying 121 - 130 of 910

Understanding Demand for Financial Products Among Young Women in Central Java

In this publication, as part of its Low-Income Lives series, MicroSave highlights the results from its research on the perceptions around existing financial products and the need for new ones among the Central Java’s rural youth.


Understanding the Impact of Demonetization on Bank Account Holders from Low Income Households

How did demonetization in India affect people’s financial behavior?

What People Want: Investigating Inclusive Insurance Demand in Ethiopia

Findings from surveys and focus groups shedding light on Ethiopia’s insurance market

Low-Income Lives: Education

Analyzing the flow of money spent on schooling in Bangladeshi households

Refugees and Their Money: The Business Case for Providing Financial Services to Refugees

Assessing demand, supply and regulatory considerations for refugees in Rwanda
Case Study

Building the Business Case for Housing Microfinance: Sub-Saharan Africa

Six-year study with 47,000 households demonstrating the win-win model of housing microfinance

Small and Growing Businesses in Africa: Profiles, Successes and Challenges

Learning from successful MSME owners' journeys in Ethiopia, Kenya and Madagascar

Behavioural Interventions That Advance Financial Inclusion

18 interventions that FSPs can implement to influence individuals’ decisions on financial products
Slide Deck

The Digital Credit Revolution in Kenya: An Assessment of Market Demand, 5 Years On

Who are Kenya’s digital borrowers and how do they use their loans?

Low Income Lives - Family Food Shopping

Tracking how poor people manage their financial lives