Displaying 51 - 60 of 164

How to Improve Liquidity Management for Agents Serving Small Informal Groups and Savers

A 'how-to' note explaining the importance of agent liquidity management

The Use of Agents by Digital Financial Services Providers

As distribution of digital financial services through agents increases, this Technical Note focuses on regulating agent models within an enabling framework that fosters financial inclusion.

FinDev Webinar

Mapping It Out: Practical Tools for Reaching Remote Clients

This how-to webinar recording introduces low-cost practical approaches and tools, such as geolocation and data maps, that FSPs can use to address the proximity gap.


China’s Long March to a Cashless Future

Regulatory responses to DFS innovation and the challenges of rural distribution

Leveraging Technologies to Improve the Quality and Maximize the Productivity of Agent Models

Can growing range of innovations help institutions meet their customers' needs more efficiently?

Improving Distribution of Digital Financial Services in Rural Areas

Research highlight on rural agents in Senegal
FinDev Webinar

Empowering Employees and Agents to Deliver Valuable Customer Experience

Employees and agents play an important role in shaping customer's experience. Learn how managers can equip them to deepen customer relationships.  


Distribution 2.0: The Future of Mobile Money Agent Distribution Networks

How can providers better leverage agent networks to further expand their reach?
Case Study

Growing Big While Still Small: A Case Study on Kazang Prepaid

How to deal with the classic challenges impeding the expansion of agent networks