Narrowing the Gender Gap in Mobile Banking
Evidence from field experiments in Bangladesh examining the gender gap in the adoption and usage of mobile banking
How Can Data Open Opportunity for Women During and After COVID-19?
Hear from leaders of three financial service providers and fintechs about their successes and challenges in gathering and analyzing data in ways that specifically address the evolving needs of women during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Helping Low- and Moderate-Income Malaysians Save
Insights from UNCDF's work with GoGet and Pod
Best Practices in Credit Risk Management in Times of Crisis
Good practices by MFIs focusing on containing credit risk and taking care of their financial sustainability
The Role of Consumer Organizations to Support Consumers of Financial Services in Low and Middle Income Countries
Based on a survey with 36 members of Consumers International from 32 low- and middle-income countries this report highlights key approaches that consumer associations can use to advocate for better financial consumer protection.
Use What You Have: Discovering Client Insights in Your Existing Data
This webinar will discuss how to use organization's existing client data to reveal actionable client insights.
Regulatory Flexibility During the Pandemic: Emerging Lessons
This policy brief examines the types of regulatory flexibility adopted in response to the pandemic and provides early evidence on the impact of these measures.