All Publications

Showing 8341 - 8350 of 9041
Guide / Toolkit

Client Exit Surveys: A Tool for Understanding Client "Drop-Out"

How drop out clients can contribute to effective impact assesment

Collusion and Group Lending with Adverse Selection

Are group lending contracts collusion proof?
Case Study

Commercial Banks and Microfinance: How Andhra Bank Scaled-up the SHG-bank Linkage Programme

Increasing outreach to rural households

Commercial ICT-based Business Information Services for MSME Development

Information and Communication Technology and micro, small/medium enterprises' business environments

Consideration in the Placement and Outreach of Microfinance Organizations: The Case of ASA, BRAC, and PROSHIKA in Bangladesh

What policy changes can interest non-government organizations in opening branches in remote areas?

Cooperatives and Employment in Africa

Can cooperatives generate employment?

Determinants of Smallholder Loan Repayment Performance: Evidence from the Nigerian Microfinance System

Proceedings from "Opportunities in Africa: Micro-evidence on Firms and Households Conference," 2001

Dhakka Starting Microfinance in India

A three-track strategy to hasten the growth of Indian microfinance institutions

Does Social Capital Facilitate the Poor's Access to Credit? A Review of the Microeconomic Literature

This paper reports on the progress of the Social Capital Initiative

Drop-outs, Graduates, Defaulters and the Excluded

Client drop-outs, client graduation to formal banking institutions, client defaults and exclusion