All Publications

Showing 7941 - 7950 of 9042
Case Study

CARE Microfinance Case Study - Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

How can group lending be a segue into individual lending in post-conflict regions?

Does Foreign Bank Penetration Reduce Access to Credit in Developing Countries? Evidence from Asking Borrowers

Foreign banks in developing countries: Are the small enterprises being left out?

Economic Analysis of the Effect of Family Remittances on Micro-enterprises

Studying the relationship between family remittances and the development of micro-enterprises
Guide / Toolkit

Financial Performance Monitoring: A Guide for Board Members of Microfinance Institutions

Making sense of numbers in financial documents

Financial Reconstruction in Conflict and 'Post-Conflict' Economies

Is there a blueprint for financial reconstruction in conflict and 'post-conflict' economies?

HIV/AIDS -Responding To A Silent Economic Crisis Among Microfinance Clients In Kenya and Uganda

HIV/AIDS triggered crises require an "arsenal" of coping mechanisms

Informal Sector Finance Systems: What The Microfinance Industry Can Learn From Them

How can the microfinance sector better serve its clients' needs?
Case Study

Managing Resources, Activities and Risk in Urban India: The Impact of SEWA Bank

Deliverables and impact measurement: Study of SEWA bank, India

Microfinance Regulatory Council Performance Assessment

A review of the operations of the Microfinance Regulatory Council