All Publications

Showing 7061 - 7070 of 9043

Pro-Poor Financial System Development

Issues in the microfinance market in Vietnam to build sustainable and profitable services

Problem Loan Management

Understanding and Managing problem loans and their impact in West Bank and Gaza

Process Mapping for Risk Management and Process Improvement

Looking beyond an organization’'s functional boundaries

Product Marketing Strategy

How can an MFI identify and attain its market niche?
Case Study

Promoting Women's Human and Economic Rights in Rural Kenya - The Case of Paralegals in Kenya

What can be learnt from the experience of Paralegals in Kenya?

QUIP: Understanding Clients through In-depth Interviews

In-depth individual interviews to assess impact of microfinance services

Recapitalizing Liberia: Principles for Providing Grants and Loans for Microenterprise Development

Building an entrepreneurial sector in post-conflict Liberia

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean: Goals and Recomendations

What are Inter-American Development Bank's recommendations to facilitate remittances?

Remittances: Citibank Builds Remittance Products Designed for Mexican Migrants, with Banamex (Innovation Brief)

Remittance services to the unbanked individuals

Remittances: ICICI Builds Technology-based Financial Literacy Services and Remittance Products for Rural Markets (Innovation Brief)

Can financial literacy and accessibility address remittance delivery services?