All Publications

Showing 7001 - 7010 of 9043

Impact Assesment of Rural Enterprise Development Projects

How to assess impact of rural enterprise development?

Imperfect Substitutes: The Local Political Economy of Informal Finance and Microfinance in Rural China and India

Understanding reasons for continued existence of informal finance

In-depth Analysis on the Access to and Suitability of the Loans

Credit cooperatives helping poor people access reliable sources of credit in the Philippines

India Microfinance Investment Environment Profile

Assessing the investment risk in India's microfinance sector
Case Study

India's Self-Employed Women's Association: Empowerment through Mobilization of Poor Women on a Large Scale

What can be learnt from SEWA's experience in mobilizing and empowering poor self-employed women?

Innovation in Rural Finance in Tanzania

Proceedings from The Third Annual Conference on Microfinance, 2004, Arusha, Tanzania

Innovations - Microleasing

Institutional, legislative, product and delivery innovations in microfinance in Pakistan
Case Study

Integrating the Poor into the Mainstream Financial System: The BANSEFI and SAGARPA Programs in Mexico

What lessons can be learnt from experiences of BANSEFI and SAGARPA programs?

Intercooperation's Contribution to Micro and Small Enterprise Development

Examining products that Intercooperation has to offer to the medium and small enterprise sector

Issues in Designing Effective Microfinance Impact Asssessment Systems

How effective is your microfinance program?