All Publications

Showing 6841 - 6850 of 9043
Case Study

Grameen II At the end of 2003 - A 'Grounded View' of How Grameen's New Initiative is Progressing in the Villages

What is Grameen II what does it means to its stakeholders and microfinance?

Measuring Savings

How do people mobilize savings?

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Uganda: Achievements and Challenges

Examining the role of policy in Ugandan microfinance

Microfinance: Does it Hold its Promises? A Survey of Recent Literature

The microfinance landscape and whether it lives up to the hype surrounding it

Microfinance: Where Do We Stand?

Overview of recent microfinance trends and innovations

Point of Sale (POS) Networks for Microfinance

Presented at the Africap Seminar, April 19-21 2004, Nairobi, Kenya

Progress Note: Practitioner Understanding of Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Applying social return on investment to microfinance

Reflections and Learnings: ShoreCap Exchange's Risk Management Forum December 2004

Enterprise Risk Management System (ERMS): Theory and application

Remittances: The New Development Mantra?

What do remittances mean to recipient countries?