All Publications

Showing 5701 - 5710 of 9051

From Social Strategy to Impact: How Can Impact Studies Be Improved?

How an impact study can be designed based on an MFI's social strategy?

Functional and Structural Complementarities of Banks and Microbanks in L.D.Cs

This paper analyzes the complementarity between MFIs and official banks in less developed countries

Gender Inequalities in the Risks of Poverty and Social Exclusion for Disadvantaged Groups in Thirty European Countries

Evaluating the gender dimension to the social inclusion process

Gender, Poverty and Micro-enterprise Services in Ethiopia: Why Only Few Women are Joining?

Has micro-enterprise succeeded in reaching poorer women in Ethiopia?

Global Economic Prospects 2006: Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration

This edition of Global Economic Prospects focuses on the flow of international migrant remittances

Globalization and the Small Firm: An Industry Value Chain Approach to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction

How can micro and small enterprises compete in globalized markets?

Governance: Organizing, Developing and Empowering Boards to Oversee MFI Operations

This paper examines issues in corporate governance for MFIs
Case Study

Grameen II's Membership

What are the reasons for rapid growth of Grameen II's membership?

Grants and Loans in Livelihood Restoration Following a Natural Disaster

Providing grant-and-loan products to people affected by disasters
Guide / Toolkit

Handbook for the Analysis of the Governance of Microfinance Institutions

Guide to address governance challenge in MFIs