All Publications

Showing 5241 - 5250 of 9053

Does Subsidising the Cost of Capital Help the Poorest? An Analysis of Saving Opportunities in Group Lending

Why is subsidized capital a disadvantage to the poorest?

Expanding Microfinance Outreach in Pakistan

Accelerating the growth of microfinance

Financial Sector Development and the Millennium Development Goals

Investigating the contribution of financial sector development to reaching the MDGs

Financing Rural Finance Institutions in Mexico

Are sentiments and opportunities changing for low income financial services in Mexico?

Framing the Debate: Use of Family Remittances for Housing Finance

This paper addresses the potential of remittances for financing housing solutions.

From Post-Tsunami Emergency Assistance to Livelihood Recovery in South India

Facilitating post-disaster economic rehabilitation through microfinance

Just How Transformational Is M-Banking?

Has m-banking increased access to bank accounts in South Africa?

Microfinance Capital Markets

The microfinance capital markets update is produced and edited by CGAP and the Microfinance Information eXchange (MIX). The newsletter is the only publication dedicated to microfinance capital markets news, and is distributed to thousands of microfinance providers, investors, donors, rating agencies, and consultants.


Role Reversal: Are Public Development Institutions Crowding Out Private Investment in Microfinance?

How are international financial institutions investing in microfinance?

The Empirics of Microfinance: What Do We Know?

Providing insights on the working of joint liability group lending