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Showing 521 - 530 of 9041

Enabling Women’s Financial Inclusion Through Digital Financial Literacy

This brief helps unpack the different dimensions of digital financial literacy (DFL) and demonstrate why they should not be tackled in isolation as they are very much connected. It includes four case studies of organizations addressing DFL in their work in Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Ghana.


Growth Pangs of the Pandemic, Revisited

This Advisory Note sets out M-CRIL's expectation of a four-to-five-year adjustment and recovery period from the COVID crisis, and imagines a road to recovery for the microfinance sector as a whole.


How Regulators Use Sex-Disaggregated Data and Regtech to Enhance Financial Inclusion

This study examines the role that financial services regulators can play in efforts to address financial inclusion of women.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs: Côte d’Ivoire

This report attempts to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fintechs in Côte d’Ivoire and understand how the ecosystem adapted and evolved during 2020.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs: Senegal

This report attempts to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fintechs in Senegal and understand how the ecosystem adapted and evolved during 2020.


Leadership as a Driver of Innovative Financial Services for Women

The guiding hypothesis of this research is that technical know-how and leadership competencies will enable executives to drive women’s financial inclusion on a greater scale than ever before


Regulatory Approaches to the Interest Earned on E-Money Float Accounts

This Technical Note outlines five approaches to the regulatory treatment of making use of float interest earned by float accounts.


Resilience: COVID-19 Crisis Through a Migration Lens

This Migration and Development Brief provides updates on global trends in migration and remittances highlighting developments related to migration-related SDG indicators.

Case Study

Savings and Retail Banking in Africa

A Case Study on Innovative Business Models
Case Study

Savings and Retail Banking in Africa: A Case Study on Innovative Business Models

This study describes six business models to address the challenges financial service providers are increasingly facing as a result of digitization and the pandemic.