All Publications

Showing 5061 - 5070 of 9053

The Interaction of Customary Law and Microfinance: Women’s Entry into the World Economy

Examining the interaction between microfinance and customary law

Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance Among Rural and Poor Persons: Field Evidence from Seven Micro Health Insurance Units in India

Factors influencing health insurance premium choices among rural and low-income segments

A Note on Microfinance in Ghana

Highlighting the importance of microfinance in Ghana

Adjustment and Recovery in Thailand Two Years after the Tsunami

How can developed countries best assist disaster-hit developing countries?

Analyzing and Financing Value Chains: Cutting Edge Developments in Value Chain Analysis

Paper presented at the 3rd African Microfinance Conference

Benchmarking Mexican Microfinance: Performance and Transparency in a Growing Industry

Comparing performance of Mexican MFIs with their peers in Latin America
Guide / Toolkit

Board and Governance Training for Microfinance Institutions Toolkit

This toolkit offers guidance to board of directors for implementation of effective governance.

Cooperatives: Pathways to Economic, Democratic, and Social Development in the Global Economy

What is the contribution of cooperatives to transformational international development?