All Publications

Showing 4861 - 4870 of 9056

Health Shocks and Consumption Smoothing in Rural Households: Does Microcredit have a Role to Play?

Potential of microcredit in insuring consumption against health shocks

Housing Finance for the Poor in Morocco: Programs, Policies and Institutions

Providing housing finance for low-income communities
Case Study

How AlSol is Integrating the PPI into Operations

Scaling up outreach using PPI

How Microfinance Associations Add Value - 2 Observations with References from the Association of MFIs of Uganda (AMFIU)

Suggesting the rationale for microfinance associations

Impact of Credit: How to Measure Impact, and Improve Operations Too

Leveraging impact evaluations to inform MFI management decisions

In Microfinance, Clients Must Come First

What are the ultimate goals of MFIs and how can they achieve them?

Institutional Preconditions: Testing Readiness and Achieving Sustainability

Assessing MFIs’' readiness to offer savings products

Intra-Group Transfers and Group Formation

Can self-formation of groups mitigate problems of adverse selection?

Kenya: The Cooperative Societies Act (Amended), 2004

Governing establishing and functioning of co-operative societies in Kenya