All Publications

Showing 4601 - 4610 of 9052

Understanding the Impact of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Training Programs on Youth in Jordan and Rwanda

Delivering market-led programs for the youth

Wider Impacts of Microcredit: Evidence from Labor and Human Capital in Urban Mexico

How does microcredit provision impact urban poverty?
Guide / Toolkit

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Kenya 2008

Helping pro-poor organizations monitor and manage social performance

Community Based Micro Health Insurance as an Enabler of Solidarity and Self-Help amongst Poor Communities

Improving access of vulnerable communities to health insurance services

Developing Agriculture Loan Products for Poor Rural Communities - Metemamen Microfinance Institution: Ethiopia

Pilot testing a new loan product for rural poor farmers

Financial Education: A Bridge between Branchless Banking and Low-Income Clients

Improving outreach of branchless banking among the poor
Case Study

Housing Microfinance in Vietnam

An evaluation of supply and demand for housing microfinance in Vietnam.

Joint-liability Borrowing Decisions under Risk: Empirical Evidence from Rural Microfinance in Ethiopia

Presented at EAAE Congress "‘People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies’"