All Publications

Showing 4581 - 4590 of 9052

Human Resource Development in Microfinance Institution

Importance of training, recruitment and performance management for MFIs
Case Study

Implementing Health Insurance through Microcredit: A Case Study of SKS Microfinance, India

Health insurance provision for the poor by an Indian MFI

Innovations in Financial Service Delivery: Scope and Challenges

Assessing the issues in financial service delivery innovations

Learning to Collaborate: Value Chain Governance and Finance in the Albanian Apple Sector

Examining the role of value chain finance in fostering inter-firm cooperation

Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Donors Supporting Microinsurance

Overview of current approaches for supporting microinsurance with guidance for donors

Microfinance and Climate Change Adaptation

Reducing people's vulnerability to climate change though microfinance

Microfinance and HIV/AIDS: The Role of Donors and Funders

How donors have supported MFIs to serve people living with HIV/AIDS?

Microfinance Core MIS Systems - The Business Case for Outsourcing

Outsourcing solutions for building MIS and IT capacity in MFIs

Mining Remittance Data: Practical Considerations on Survey Design and Administration

Impact of remittances survey methods on development policy making

Mobile Money Study: West Bank & Gaza

How does branchless banking facilitate access to financial services?