All Publications

Showing 4201 - 4210 of 9051

Microfinance and Financial Sector Development

Identifying interdependencies between MFI performance and financial sector development

Microfinance and Inequality

Focusing on the equalizing effect of microfinance

Microfinance: Taking Root in the Global Capital Markets, Part 2

Establishing a methodology and criteria for rating microfinance institutions
Case Study

Product Development for Girls: Girls' Saving and Financial Education

Transforming savings behaviour of low-income girls
Case Study

Reaching the Unbanked with Sharia-Compliant Financial Products

Meeting the demand for faith-based financial services

Regulate Microcredit to Protect Borrowers

Governing MFI interest rates and loan recovery practices though microcredit

Remittances: How to Shorten the Long Way Home

Analyzing remittance products, players and networks

The Ethical Dimension of Microfinance

Paper presented at "EBEN Annual Conference Pathos for Ethics," 10-12 September, 2009, Athens

The Savings Led Revolution: Mass-scale, Group Managed Microfinance for the Rural Poor

Leveraging savings-led microfinance to improve access to finance

Throwing in the Towel

This paper analyzes the unique challenges of MFI liquidations, and provides recommendations to improve their outcomes.