All Publications

Showing 3691 - 3700 of 9043

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance in Albania

Discussing issues in microfinance regulation

Role of Microfinance Institutions in Rural Development

Linking formal financial markets and grassroots organizations through microfinance

State of Microfinance Investment: The MicroRate 2010 MIV Survey

Analyzing investment trends in microfinance

The Future of Microfinance Impact Assessment

Understanding the evolution of microfinance impact assessment
Case Study

Turning Point Finance Programme Evaluation: Opening Doors for the Ultra-Poor

Evaluating the success of a microfinance scheme

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 1: Community-Based/Owned

Exploring informal savings options

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 2: "Conventional Finance"

Encouraging the formal sector to provide microsavings

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 3: So Where to Go from Here?

Designing and delivering savings products to clients