All Publications

Showing 3211 - 3220 of 9043
Case Study

Social Performance Report 2010: Integrating Social Goals

Evaluating social performance of Oikocredit International

State of Iraq's Microfinance Industry

Reviewing the state of Iraqi microfinance

Subsidies as an Instrument in Agriculture Finance: A Review

Reviewing the role of subsidies in agriculture finance

Technology Program Country Note: Ghana

Examining the potential of branchless banking in Ghana

The Challenge of Understanding Pricing of Micro-loans

Promoting transparent pricing of microloans
Guide / Toolkit

The Corporate Governance and Risk Management Handbook for Microfinance Institutions in the Arab World

Presenting guidelines for MFIs to analyze their governance and risk management practices

The Measurement and Determinants of Economic Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana: A Stochastic Frontier Approach

Identifying practices that cause economic inefficiencies in the microfinance sector

The Microfinance Crisis: The Developpement international Desjardins Point of View

Explaining Developpement international Desjardins' views on microfinance issues
Case Study

The Rich Complexity of Village Life

Understanding risk sharing and coping mechanisms in Thai villages

The Role of Financial Education in Improved Housing

Examining the role of financial education in improved housing