All Publications

Showing 2621 - 2630 of 9042

Keeping an Edge: What Will It Take in the Current Microfinance Context

Reflecting on the degree to which MFIs can respond to current industry opportunities and challenges
Guide / Toolkit

Little Data Book on Financial Development

Providing data on access to financial institutions and financial markets in 205 economies

Local Bank Financing for Smallholder Farmers: A $9 Billion Drop in the Ocean

Examining the scale, scope, and need for smallholder financing

Migration as a Strategy for Household Finance: A Research Agenda on Remittances, Payments, and Development

Studying remittances to better understand their increasing role in economic development

Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Education

Reviewing approaches taken to deliver financial education for financial inclusion
Case Study

Snapshot: Implementing Mobile Money Interoperability in Indonesia

Studying the workings of mobile money interoperability in Indonesia
Case Study

Turning Client Focus into Commercial Success

Explaining the role of social performance management in improving organizational efficiency
Case Study

VF AzerCredit’s Code of Ethics: Putting Values into Practice

Case study with recommendations on aligning Codes of Ethics with SPM Universal Standards

What is Commitment Savings? Getting to Know the Product

Introducing commitment savings products directed to the low-income population
Case Study

A Consumer-focused Account Promotion Strategy for Branchless Banking: The Case of Omni in Pakistan

Highlighting successful expansion strategies for branchless banking