All Publications

Showing 2521 - 2530 of 9043

Agent Network Accelerator Survey: Uganda Country Report 2013

Assessing the performance of agent networks in Uganda
Case Study

Al Majmoua Client Satisfaction and Client Exit Surveys

Case study on Lebanese NGO's implementation of social performance management standards

All In: Building the Path to Global Prosperity through Financial Capability and Inclusion

Understanding ways to create a more inclusive financial system

Bitcoin vs. Electronic Money

Studying risks and benefits of Bitcoins

Business Correspondent Model vis-à-vis Financial Inclusion in India: New Practice of Banking to the Poor

Discussing the banking correspondent model as a means to increase the outreach of banks in India

Capital Market Financing for SMEs: A Growing Need in Emerging Asia

Utilizing capital markets for funding SMEs in Asia

Dialectic Evolution through the Social Innovation Process: from Microcredit to Microfinance

Discussing microfinance as a key factor to foster entrepreneurship
Case Study

Expanding E-Money Services in Peru: Reaching Unbanked Clients and Advancing Financial Inclusion

E-money as a financial inclusion tool to address banking challenges in rural parts of Peru
Case Study

Expanding Islamic Microfinance in Azerbaijan: The Case for Industry Coordination to Serve New Client Segments

Addressing client drop-outs due to financial product inconsistencies with their religious beliefs
Case Study

Female Access to Credit in France: How Microfinance Institutions Import Disparate Treatment from Banks

Studying the effects of MFIs' loan-size ceilings on gender