All Publications

Showing 1991 - 2000 of 9043

How Saving is Influenced by Behavioral Biases

Providing recommendations to promote formal savings among low-income people

ILO's Impact Insurance Facility Annual Report 2014

Lessons learned on how to achieve high quality insurance at scale

Investment and Investment Finance in Europe: Investing in Competitiveness

Analyzing the investment finance scenario in Europe
Case Study

Loan Protection for Maize Farmers in Burkina Faso

Assessing the efficiency of a maize loan protection insurance product developed by Allianz

Making Public-Private Partnerships Work in Insurance

Designing efficient public-private partnerships in the insurance sector

Microfinance Geographical Index India Mar 2015

Guide / Toolkit

Pricing for Microinsurance: A Technical Guide

Discussing general pricing elements of microinsurance products

Promoting Social Inclusion of the Extreme Poor at Scale: Evidence from Developing Countries

Alleviating extreme poverty through social inclusion programs
Case Study

Quality of Delivery Study

Evaluating the performance of different types of savings groups in Western Kenya