All Publications

Showing 1841 - 1850 of 9042
Guide / Toolkit

Tools for WASH Microfinance

Five toolkits for developing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) microfinance products

Transformation of Microfinance Institutions into Small Finance Banks: Will it be a Roller Coaster?

MicroSave India Focus Note #121

Transformation of Microfinance Institutions to Small Finance Banks: Differentiating Men from the Boys!

MicroSave India Focus Note #122

Jansuraksha: India’s New Tryst with Mass Insurance

An in-depth report on new policy

Agent Network Accelerator Survey: India Country Report 2015

An in-depth look at Indian Agent Networks

An Overview of the Financial Inclusion Policies in India

Review of the past and actual institutional initiatives towards financial inclusion

Children and the Financial Regulatory Landscape in Latin America

Analyzing access to financial services for Latin American youth

Effective Integration of Financial Services into Economic Opportunities Programming for Youth

Lessons on incorporating financial inclusion into youth programming

Ending Poverty with Electronic Payments

A look at the digital and direct payment landscapes

Financial Inclusion, Education, and Regulation in the Philippines

Does the Philippines foster financial inclusion?