All Publications

Showing 1811 - 1820 of 9042

YouthSave 2010-2015: Findings from a Global Financial Inclusion Partnership

Evaluating the potential of savings accounts as a tool for youth development and financial inclusion

2015 Microfinance Investment Vehicles Survey: Market Data & Peer Group Analysis

A detailed overview of key market trends in microfinance offshore investments

A Market Systems Approach to Financial Inclusion: Guidelines for Funders

How can funders facilitate development via inclusive financial markets?

Access to Financial Services as a Driver for the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Policy brief highlighting components of a policy mix to expand financial inclusion

Arab Credit Reporting Guide

Analyzing the status and development of credit reporting across the MENA region

Better Data for Better Business

How MIX's desk review can help build a reliable social performance dataset in microfinance

Building Stable Livelihoods for the Ultra-Poor

Results from seven randomized evaluations of the Graduation approach

Core Competencies Framework on Financial Literacy for Youth

Standards for the basic level of financial literacy needed by young people aged 15-18

Deconstructing Drop-Out: Uncovering the Reasons Behind Attrition among Village-Banking Microfinance Clients

Analysis of the impact stories of 59 clients from seven countries and MFIs
Case Study

Digital Field Applications: Case Study

How does arming field staff with digital tools affect client and staff experience?