All Publications

Showing 1501 - 1510 of 9056

Microfinance Institutions in Yemen, "Hurdles and Remedies"

Recommendations for addressing challenges limiting the growth of MFIs

The ABCs of Financial Education: Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognitive Biases

How supplementary interventions can make financial education work more effectively

Accelerating Financial Inclusion in South-East Asia with Digital Finance

Market studies and policy recommendations for encouraging digital finance

Agents of Change: Impact Investment Report 2016

Accomplishing positive environmental and social change around the world

Beyond the Classroom: Evidence on New Directions in Financial Education

How can financial education design and targeting help to change financial behavior?

Evidence, Hope, and Hype: A Review of the Literature Concerning Commercial Relationships Between Savings Groups and Financial Service Providers

Classifying the different types of linkages between savings groups and providers

G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion

Eight principles for achieving universal financial inclusion leveraging technological opportunities
Case Study

GBA Case Study: NatWest

The fifth in the GBA's Case Study series on best practice banks features Women in Business champion NatWest, part of the Royal Bank of Scotland. 


Leave No One Behind: Taking Action for Transformational Change on Women's Economic Empowerment

How to address the constraints contributing to persistent gaps in women’s economic opportunities