All Publications

Showing 191 - 200 of 220

Beyond Economic Benefits: The Contribution to Microfinance to Post-conflict Recovery in Asia and the Pacific

Can microfinance promote social mobilization, empowerment, stabilization and peace building?

A Matching of Two Promises: Microfinance And Social Responsibility

Socially responsible savings and microfinance
Guide / Toolkit

Choosing and Using Indicators for Effective Social Performance Management (Practice Note No. 5)

Steps to develop indicators for effective social performance management system

Microfinance and Social Performance: How FINCA Used a Client Assessment Tool To Identify Mission Drift

Using research tools to monitor the social impact of microfinance services

Microfinance Commercialization: Financially and Socially Optimal Investments

Identifying MFIs that are attractive investments
Guide / Toolkit

Planning Research to Assess Social Performance: Guidance for Managers (Practice Note No. 6)

A step-by-step guide for planning social performance research
Guide / Toolkit

Social Performance Indicators Initiative Phase 2 - Audit of the Social Performance of Microfinance Institutions: The Definition of a Tool

Presenting an operational guide to help MFIs and external reviewers complete the Social Performance Indicators questionnaire

Social Performance Management in Microfinance: Guidelines

Providing a framework for MFIs to manage their social performance