All Publications

Showing 171 - 180 of 220

Helping Socially-Conscious Investors Maximize the Humanitarian Impact of their Investments

Using microfinance to fight global poverty

Microbanks: Ownership, Performance, and Social Tradeoffs - A Global Analysis

Analyzing the effect of ownership structure on MFIs social performance
Guide / Toolkit

Quality Audit Tool for Managing Social Performance Overview (From Mission to Action: Management Series for Microfinance Institutions)

This toolkit assesses the status and effectiveness of internal systems

Social Performance Evaluation of the Microfinance Institutions in Mozambique

Paper presented at "African Economic Conference 2007"

Social Performance Progress Brief (Volume 1, Number 3)

Introducing the concepts of social performance assessment to the microenterprise field

Social Performance Glossary

This glossary defines key terms, concepts in social performance of microfinance institutions

Commercial Returns and Social Values: The Case of Microfinance (Paper)

Striking a balance with microfinance between commercial returns and social values
Guide / Toolkit

Evaluating MFIs' Social Performance: A Measurement Tool

Presenting a tool to measure social performance of MFIs

Conceptual Note on Social Performance

Important concepts for measuring and managing the social performance of microfinance institutions

From Social Strategy to Impact: How Can Impact Studies Be Improved?

How an impact study can be designed based on an MFI's social strategy?