All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 451
Case Study

Saving Money, Saving Lives

This case study shares key lessons from Sierra Leone’s experience using digital payments to help combat the Ebola crisis and highlights the need for governments to take early action, in partnership with the humanitarian and development community and the private sector.

Guide / Toolkit

The Banking on Change Youth Savings Group Model: From Saving and Learning to Banking and Earning

Practitioner’s guide of 10 principles for setting up Youth Savings Groups

The Potential of Using Digital Financial Services for Savings Groups in Bangladesh

Insights for the development and efficient delivery of group savings products

The State of the Linkage Report: The First Global Mapping of Savings Group Linkage

Who are the financial service providers offering formal services to saving groups?

The Regional Financial Inclusion Landscape of Youth Bank Accounts: Selected Country Cases from Central and Eastern Europe

Analyzing available savings products and financial education programs for youth
Guide / Toolkit

Program Quality Guidelines for Savings Groups

A sector-wide effort to build quality from the onset as a guarantee for consumer protection

Exploring the Business Models behind Microsavings

Looking at how the microfinance industry is doing on providing savings services

Digital Savings: The Key to Women’s Financial Inclusion?

Research and emerging best practices in digital savings for women

Mapping Financial Access: Deposit-Taking in India

Shedding light on formal savings access