All Publications

Showing 361 - 370 of 451
Case Study

ASA Experience

The rise of ASA: A field level perspective from Bangladesh
Case Study

Best Practices by Women's Bank of Sri Lanka

Spectacular progress: Women's Bank of Sri Lanka
Case Study

Case Study of FINCA Uganda

Roadmap to success: The FINCA experience in Uganda
Case Study

Centenary Rural Development Bank

How did the Centenary Rural Development Bank perform in 2002?

Saving and Credit Cooperatives: A New Conceptual Approach

Problems and solutions for savings and credit cooperatives

Savings and Credit Movement of Andhra Pradesh

What were the main reasons for the success of women's savings and credit groups in Andhra Pradesh?

Why Microfinance Institutions in Bolivia have Virtually Ignored Savings

Why haven't the Bolivian regulated MFIs mobilised savings in any significant way?

Micro Deposit-Taking Institutions Bill 2002 - Summary of Workshops and Information Exchange Events

How is Uganda moving forward with licensing, supervision and regulation?