All Publications

Showing 301 - 310 of 451

Self-Help Groups: A Keystone of Microfinance in India - Women Empowerment & Social Security

Improving the Self Help Group (SHG) operating model

Savings Habits, Needs and Priorities in Rural Uganda

How do the rural Ugandans save and how can financial intermediaries to serve them?

Savings: Building the Future

What are the advantages of savings?

Tying Odysseus to the Mast: Evidence from a Commitment Savings Product in the Philippines

The demand and supply of commitment savings (SEED) product in the informal sector

Meeting Them Where They Work: The Promise of Financial Services Distribution in the Workplace

What is the potential of providing financial services at the work place?

Door-to-Door Deposits as a Commitment to Savings? Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Philippines

Can the door-step deposit collection impact the savings behavior of the poor in the Philippines?

Marrying Financial Transactions with Asset-Building Opportunities

Building assets of low income families by linking savings and investments to transactional products

Cash, Children or Kind? Developing Security for Low-Income People in Old Age in Africa

Tackling the old age security issue in Africa

Impact Assessment Report of Village Savings & Loans Component (VS&L)

How does a village savings and loan program impact the lives of the village women?

Drop-out From Individual Development Accounts: Prediction and Prevention

How can drop-outs be reduced?