All Publications

Showing 231 - 240 of 451

Child Savings Account: Global Trends in Design and Practice

Can children’s savings accounts become an innovative developmental tool?
Guide / Toolkit

Country-Level Savings Assessment Tool: Improving the Supply of Deposit Services for Poor People

Guide to Country Level Savings Assessment Tool application in microfinance

Savings and Spider Plants: What is Good Governance for Member-Owned Institutions in Remote Areas?

Good governance design for member-owned institutions in remote areas

Mobilizing Savings for CAURIE-MF Clients in Senegal

Sharing lessons learned during the roll out of new savings product

Household Savings in Developing Economies: An Annotated Reading List

Expanding possibilities for saving in poor and low-income communities
Case Study

New Frontiers in Micro-Savings

Collecting savings deposits for the continued growth of the microfinance sector
Case Study

A Microfinance Institution Offers Services to Protect Clients' Health in Burkina Faso

Context leading to health protection services for Réseau des Caisses Populaires microfinance clients
Case Study

Ecuador: Savings Mobilization in 14 Credit Unions

Saving strategies and practices in credit unions
Case Study

Ecuador: Stability in a Time of Crisis

Mobilizing savings during economic and political crises