All Publications

Showing 181 - 190 of 451

Is There a Business Case for Small Savers? (Study)

Understanding the contribution of small savers toward the sustainability of MFIs

Creating Incentives to Save Among Microfinance Borrowers: A Behavioral Experiment from Guatemela

Examining the relationship between savings and loan repayment

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 1: Community-Based/Owned

Exploring informal savings options

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 2: "Conventional Finance"

Encouraging the formal sector to provide microsavings

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 3: So Where to Go from Here?

Designing and delivering savings products to clients

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 4: Practical Next Steps

Exploring ways to provide inclusive savings services

Savings Groups: What Are They?

Guide on savings groups for practitioners and donors

Significance of Small Deposits for Microfinance Providers

The significance of small deposits as funding sources for microfinance providers in Pakistan