All Publications

Showing 551 - 560 of 560

Between the State And the Market, Can Informal Insurance Patch the Safety Net?

Should private coping mechanisms be encouraged?

Strengthening Social Security Systems in Rural Areas of Developing Countries

What are reasons for state and market failure in the provision of social security?

Community-Based Health Insurance: Experiences and Lessons Learned from East Africa

Is community participation important to the success of a community-based health insurance scheme?

Micro-Insurance: Extending Health Insurance to the Excluded

What is the definition of microinsurance and what is its future?

New Approaches to Crop Yield Insurance in Developing Countries

How can credit and crop insurance work together for the benefit of both farmers and government?

Towards Enhancing the Role of Microfinance for Safety Nets of the Poor

How microfinance institutions can increase their profitability and their relevance to the poor

Are the Poor Less Well Insured? Evidence on Vulnerability to Income Risk in Rural China

To what extent do income shocks impact the current consumption of poor individuals?

Glossary of Terms for Agricultural Insurance and Rural Finance

A glossary to facilitate dialogue between countries on agricultural insurance and rural finance