All Publications

Showing 611 - 620 of 867

Product Mix and Product Innovation of Microfinance in India

Examining microfinance innovations in rural India

The Demand for Microinsurance in Pakistan

Findings and recommendations for the microinsurance product development process
Case Study

The Market for Microinsurance in Ukraine: Low Income Household Needs and Market Development Projections

Projecting the development of microinsurance in Ukraine: – A study

Uses and Users of MFI Loans in Bangladesh

Diversity in MFI loan usage in Bangladesh
Guide / Toolkit

In-Depth Interview Guides Tanzania Country Study Qualitative Component

Guidelines and questionnaires for in-depth interviews

Development of Agricultural Loan Product

Designing an agricultural loan product for rural clients in Uganda

Financial Access Indicators Through Household Level Surveys Concept and Implementation

Measuring financial access and usage for households

A Financial System for India's Poor

How can India build a more inclusive financial system?
Case Study

Making Retail Markets Work for the Poor: Why and How Triple Trust Organisation Decided to Intervene in the Spaza Market in South Africa

Practitioner's manual for conducting market assessment

Accuracy Results for 12 Poverty Assessment Tool Countries

Using the results of accuracy tests to develop and refine poverty assessment tools