All Publications

Showing 291 - 300 of 867

Payments Infrastructure and the Performance of Public Programs: Evidence from Biometric Smartcards in India

Assessing the impact of using biometric smartcards on welfare programs

The Microfinance Sector in Morocco: Investment Opportunities after the Crisis

Conducting a SWOT analysis of the Moroccan microfinance sector

Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Financial Decisions

Identifying social influence pathways in financial decisions

Balancing Client Value and Business Case in Kenyan Health Microinsurance

Identifying crucial components of the client value and business case in health microinsurance
Case Study

Designing Products based on Customer Requirements: Unique Approaches of SEWA Bank and IFMR (KGFS model), India

Studying different approaches to designing financial products

Factors that Matter for Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Peru

Identifying factors for financial inclusion in Peru
Guide / Toolkit

Introduction to Opportunities in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Finance (Toolkit 1)

Information, principles, and practices for successful development of WASH financial products
Guide / Toolkit

Resource Book on Designing and Delivering Agriculture Financing Products

Providing guidelines to develop efficient agriculture financing products

Sector Based Approach: Promoting Insurance for Low-Income People in Zambia

Accelerating the development of a viable microinsurance market in Zambia
Case Study

Al Majmoua Client Satisfaction and Client Exit Surveys

Case study on Lebanese NGO's implementation of social performance management standards