All Publications
Showing 741 - 750 of 887
Micro Finance in India
How can microfinance in India become vibrant, significant and sustainable?
Microfinance in Turkey: A Sector Assessment Report
The microfinance sector's prospects for development and effectively extending the finance frontier
Sustaining Social Performance Institutionalising Organisational Learning and Poverty Outreach at Prizma
What are the lessons to be learnt from Prizma's experience?
The State of Microfinance in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States
How has microfinance expanded in the CEE-NIS region?
An In-Depth Quantitative Assessment of the Ugandan Microfinance Environment
How can research help in making strategic changes in the working of an MFI?
Access to Financial Services in Botswana
How can access to financial services be improved in Botswana?
Access to Financial Services in Swaziland
What is the status of financial services in Swaziland?
Deepening Rural Financial Markets: Macroeconomic, Policy and Political Dimensions
Promoting deeper rural financial markets
Fact Sheet 1: Understanding Microfinance and its Contribution to Economic Growth (English version)
This first fact sheet of eight introduces microfinance in a Palestinian context
Lending Technologies, Competition, and Consolidation in the Market for Microfinance in Bolivia
How do credit market structure and loan contract terms affect borrower welfare?