All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 355
Guide / Toolkit

Guide to Remote Due Diligence

How investors and startup founders can conduct a successful due diligence process remotely

Private Asset Impact Fund Report 2020

Analysis of over 150 investment funds targeting emerging and frontier markets with a development impact focus


Debt Restructuring in Microfinance

Based on workshops with nearly 300 participants from 30 countries, this COVID-19 Briefing contains insights for creditors and debtors on ways to effectively manage debt restructuring talks, brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.


Social Assistance Payments in Response to COVID-19: The Role of Donors

What can donors do to advance key objectives for building robust and customer-centric payment systems?


Assets Matter to Poor People

This review is part of CGAP's undertaking to how asset ownership can lead to improvements in well-being for poor households and whether obtaining an asset through a loan or lease affects the benefits associated with ownership.


Investing in Financial Inclusion for Climate Resilience and Adaptation: The Role of Islamic Financial Services

This briefing note was prepared ahead of the UN Climate Summit in 2019 to examine the opportunities for investing in Sharia-compliant financial products.


2017 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

Annual survey shows increased commitments and integration into sustainable development agenda

Inclusive Finance: Looking to the Future. A Perspective from Luxembourg

Six articles on SME lending, cyber security and impact investment for financial inclusion

Microfinance for Climate Adaptation: From Readiness to Resilience

This research brief establishes the case for enabling microfinance through intermediated concessionary climate finance and provides existing examples of local bank and microfinance mechanisms and solutions currently in place.


Blended Finance 2.0 – Giving Voice to the Private Sector

Survey of private investors on their views and objectives for participating in blended finance