All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 86

Sustaining Graduation: A Review of The CLM Program in Haiti

Assessing the sustainability of benefits from Chemen Lavi Miyo Program in Haiti

An End in Sight for Ultra-poverty: Scaling Up BRAC’s Graduation Model for the Poorest

Discussing BRAC’s methodology to end extreme poverty

Substitution Bias and External Validity: Why an Innovative Anti-Poverty Program showed No Net Impact

Analysis of RCT results of an anti-poverty program in India

Graduation Out of Poverty in Yemen: Impact of the Political Crisis on the Extreme Poor

Analyzing the impact of political instability on the Graduation pilot in Yemen

Can Basic Entrepreneurship Transform the Economic Lives of the Poor?

Can transfer of assets and skills enable the poorest women to shift into running small businesses

Capital, Skills and the Economic Lives of the Poor: Recent Evidence From Field Experiments

Can relaxing capital and skills constraints transform the economic lives of poor women?

Asset Transfer Programme for the Ultra Poor: A Randomized Control Trial Evaluation

Identifying ways of shifting poor individuals into higher return economic activities

Trickle Up ULTRA POOR PROGRAMME Qualitative Assessment of Sustainability of Programme Outcomes

Qualitative Assessment of Trickle Up's Ultra Poor Program