All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 84

Mobilizing Agricultural Finance

This report identifies bottlenecks in lenders' strategies and processes in assessing the bankability of agri-SMEs and details their bankability metrics.


Guidance Note for Action: Supporting SMEs to Ensure the Economic COVID-19 Recovery is Gender-Responsive and Inclusive

This Note shows how the barriers women entrepreneurs already face in starting and retaining a business are likely to increase in the aftermath of COVID-19.


Non-Financial Services: The Key to Unlocking the Growth Potential of Women-Led Small and Medium Enterprises for Banks

This study examines the benefits to banks of integrating non-financial services that can help mitigate barriers facing women-led enterprises into a women-focused SME banking proposition.


Survey Report on Alternative Finance for MSMEs

Reflecting on the vital role of MSMEs in emerging economies


Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Sri Lanka

Findings from a survey and interviews with SME clients of financial institutions


Regional Policy Framework for Enhancing MSME Financing Ecosystem in Africa

Recommendations for addressing access to finance challenges for MSMEs


Scoping and Assessment Report - MSME Access to Finance Ecosystem in Africa

How can the MSME financing ecosystem in Africa be improved?


Navigating Through COVID-19: A Snapshot on How the Pandemic Affected MSMEs in Guinea

Country assessment reflecting the impact of the pandemic on banked enterprises


The Impact of COVID-19 on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Evidence from two-wave phone surveys in China


A Framework for Understanding the Financial Health of MSME Entrepreneurs

Combined framework and survey tool intended for stakeholders