All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 95
Case Study

Income Generating Activities for People Living with HIV and AIDS, Mashuru, Kenya

This report highlights income generating activities in Kenya
Case Study

Microfinance in Villafranca: Providing Income and Dignity for People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA), Tegulcigapa, Honduras

This paper reviews a program that connects people living with HIV with microfinance and job training

Microfinance Lending for Small Water Projects and Output-Based Aid: The Experience So Far from Kenya

Presentation at the Microfinance Workshop, December 2005, Dakar, Senegal

HIV/AIDS Risk Management

Proceedings from the "HIV/AIDS Risk Management Working Group", 8-9 November 2005, Nairobi, Kenya

Survey Results on Risk Management: Prevention and Mitigation of HIV/AIDS in African MFIs

Preliminary results from the HIV/AIDS risk management in micro finance project survey

Forward-looking Review: World Vision's Approaches to Integrating Microenterprise Development and HIV/AIDS Response

Reviewing pilot projects implemented to test approaches to integrating MED and HIV response

Microfinance and HIV/AIDS: Defining Options - Kenya

A look at coping with HIV/AIDS in Kenya

HIV/AIDS and Microfinance Systems Fact Sheet

How can German Development Cooperation contribute to an effective response to HIV/AIDS?

An Assessment of Community-Based Health Financing Activities in Uganda

Exploring the efficacy of community health financing in Uganda
Case Study

Case Study - Indonesia Midwives Loan Fund: Can a Revolving Loan Fund be used to Encourage Private Midwifery Practices?

Improving quality of health services by strengthening capacities of individual private practitioners