All Publications

Showing 21 - 25 of 25

Costs of Basic Services in Kerala, 2007 Education, Health, Childbirth and Finance (Loans)

Examining pattern and cost of services critical to households
Case Study

Microfinance's Impact on Education, Poverty, and Empowerment: A Case Study from the Bolivian Altiplano

How microcredit impacts families economically and domestically?

Linkages Between Microfinance and Effective Education with a Focus on Parental Involvement

How can microfinance institutions aid parental involvement in education?

The Influence of Microfinance on the Education Decisions of Rural Households: Evidence from Bolivia

Can microfinance change the mind-set about education?

The Effect of Microenterprise Lending on Child Schooling in Guatemala

Does access to credit affect child schooling decisions in the Guatemalan households?