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Tax Reforms to Increase the Viability of Business Correspondents
This policy note argues that two key taxation issues are hindering the sustainability and attractiveness of the business correspondent model in India and that addressing them could help advance financial inclusion.
The Financial Inclusion Compass 2021
The Financial Inclusion Compass 2021 is the fourth in a series collating opinions of a range of stakeholders including practitioners, investors, donors, researchers and support service providers on emerging short, medium, and long-term trends in the financial inclusion sector.
The Impact of the Crisis on Microfinance Institutions: Analyses and Perspectives
This publication presents the survey results for 40 MFIs around the world during three waves (May, July and December 2020), analyzing the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the institutions. All MFIs and their clients saw their activities severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Understanding Micro- and Small-Growth Entrepreneurs in Vietnam, Pakistan and Peru
This report provides an overview of "the current state of strivers" across these countries with an aim to understand the emerging unmet needs through market assessments.
Where Are the Unbanked in Belize?: Using Machine Learning Small Area Estimation to Improve Financial Inclusion Geographic Targeting
This study aims to contribute to the efficient and effective implementation of Belize's National Financial Inclusion Strategy by identifying the geographical areas where unbanked people live and analyzing the factors that influence the use of financial services and instruments.
Building Women’s Financial Capability: A Path Toward Transformation
This publication examines how best to share information, build financial capability and enable lasting behavior change in a context in which women may have limited say in their own economic choices.
COVID 19 Impact on Financial Service Providers
This slide deck presents the summary of analysis on how the pandemic impacted MFI liquidity, portfolio quality, and solvency through the end of 2020, and forward looking stress tests, with solvency scenarios for the FMI sector.
COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity for Urban Cash Transfers?
Based on a literature review and case studies of various urban cash transfer schemes in response to the COVID-19 crisis, this paper explores the successes and challenges of implementing cash transfers in urban settings in response to a large, covariate shock.
Evidence Review on the Role of Male Engagement in Women’s Economic Empowerment Programs
This review presents four different reports which outline key findings and recommendations based on the most effective methods for integrating men in the process of women's empowerment.