All Publications
Showing 4891 - 4900 of 9080
In Microfinance, Clients Must Come First
What are the ultimate goals of MFIs and how can they achieve them?
Institutional Preconditions: Testing Readiness and Achieving Sustainability
Assessing MFIs' readiness to offer savings products
Intra-Group Transfers and Group Formation
Can self-formation of groups mitigate problems of adverse selection?
Kenya: The Cooperative Societies Act (Amended), 2004
Governing establishing and functioning of co-operative societies in Kenya
Laos: Regulation for Deposit-Taking MFIs
Bank of Lao PDR Directive on the establishment and operations of deposit-taking MFIs
Laos: Regulation for Non-Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions
Directive regulating the establishment and operations of non-deposit taking MFIs in Laos
Laos: Regulation for Savings and Credit Unions
A Bank of Lao PDR directive on the establishment and operations of Savings and Credit Unions
Linking Microfinance, Poverty and HIV/AIDS: Theoretical and Empirical Review
Preventing HIV/AIDS through microfinance
Macro Potential for Microfinance Industry
Trends in India's microfinance market
Making Microfinance Work Better in the Middle East and North Africa
An analysis of microfinance in the Middle East and North Africa with recommendations for the future