All Publications
Showing 7331 - 7340 of 9080
The Contribution of Micro-enterprises to Economic Recovery and Poverty Alleviation in East Asia
Analyzing the role of microfinance in the development process
Uganda: The Micro Deposit-taking Institutions Act 2003
Statutory provisions for carrying out of microfinance business in Uganda
An In-Depth Quantitative Assessment of the Ugandan Microfinance Environment
How can research help in making strategic changes in the working of an MFI?
Avoiding Apex Pitfalls: Local Initiatives Departments of Bosnia and Herzegovina
How to create a successful apex fund?
Bangladesh: BRPD Circular No. 12: Constitution of the Board of Directors and Fit and Proper Test for Appointment of Directors of a Bank Company
Directives containing provisions governing board of directors of the bank- company
Banking on Grameen: Is it Viable in the Philippines?
How rural banks can increase their outreach by adopting group lending techniques
Building a Microfinance Industry: USAID's PRET/FINNET in Haiti
How to build a microfinance industry?
Building a Reliable MFI Funding Base: Donor Flexibility Shows Results
How to build a successful micro finance institution?
Clients of Microcredit Organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Report on Baseline Survey
Has the microfinance project in Bosnia-Herzegovina impacted its target clientele?
Closing the Gap - Pathways out of Poverty
Poverty - a detailed picture