All Publications

Showing 8341 - 8350 of 9080

The Impact of Access to Credit on the Saving Behavior of Microentrepreneurs: Evidence from 3 Latin American Countries

Why shifting savings into deposit accounts benefits microentrepreneurs and financial markets

Financial Intermediation, Variability and The Development Process

Imperfect credit markets lead to higher output volatility

Flow of Funds: Implications for Research on Financial Sector Development and the Real Economy

How does the flow of funds impact interest rates, asset prices and incomes, and expenditures?

Focus on Poverty

What is CGAP's commitment to poverty alleviation?
Case Study

Grameen Telecom's Village Phone Programme in Rural Bangladesh: A Multi-Media Case Study

Grameen Telephone: Aiding rural development

Guidelines for microfinance impact assessments

What guides the planning, design and conduct of useful microfinance impact assessments?

Microfinance, Risk Management and Poverty

A full, comparative analysis of microfinance outreach and client coping strategies

Risk Mitigation as a Cost-Effective Microfinance Strategy

What are the impacts of client credit histories?

The Demand for Financial Services by the Rural Poor

Examining the importance of food security in demand for financial services by the poor