All Publications
Showing 7291 - 7300 of 9077
Romania: Emergency Ordinance No. 136 of 18 October, 2001
Amendment to the National Bank of Romania Act
The Impact of Microfinance
How can donors ensure a stronger impact of microfinance?
An Analysis of the Legal Requirements for Microfinance: Based on a Recent GTZ Study of 11 Countries Worldwide
Proceedings from the Second NIS Policy Forum on "Microfinance Law and Regulation," 2003, Poland
Asset Accumulation in Low-resource Households: Evidence from Individual Development Accounts
How can assets accumulation help in poverty alleviation?
Bangladesh: BRPD Circular No. 14: Amendments to the Forms of the First Schedule of the Bank Companies Act, 1991
Exploring directives governing forms of financial statements and preparation provision for banks
Equipment Leasing and Lending: A Guide for Microfinance
How should MFIs tackle equipment finance?
History Matters in Microfinance
How did microfinance evolve?
Increasing Access to Financial Services while Balancing Legitimate Supervisory Interests: A Bank Regulator's Perspective
Proceedings from the "Second NIS Policy Forum on Microfinance Law and Regulation," 2003, Poland.
Lessons from MicroSave's Action Research Programme (2003): Report
What are the appropriate preparations for and responses to market-led growth?
Market Research for Microfinance: Detecting the Needs Beyond the Numbers
Is there a special need for market research among MFIs?