All Publications
Showing 7751 - 7760 of 9072
Action Research on Microfinance in Post-Conflict Situations
How should relief organizations research for micro finance possibilities?
An Overview of Microfinance and Environmental Management
Finding out possibilities for microfinance institutions to promote environmental management
Angola Enterprise Program: Microfinance Component
What is the scope of microfinance in Angola?
Apex Institutions in Microfinance: Occasional Paper
Do apexes expand the supply of resources available for microfinance?
Are Interest Rates Required by Microfinance Institutions Justifiable?
What makes microfinance work?
Assessment of the Use and Impact of MicroSave's Market Research for Microfinance Toolkit
What is the impact of market research on the demand microfinance products?
Attracting Remittances: Market, Money and Reduced Costs
How to make remittances easier and cheaper?
Bangladesh: BRPD Circular No. 10 - Master Circular on Capital Adequacy of Banks
Bangladesh Bank Circular assessing capital adequacy of banks on the basis of risk-weighted assets
Bank Lending to Small Businesses in Latin America: Does Bank Origin Matter?
Do foreign banks ignore small businesses?
Bank Transaction Costs in India's Self-help Group Banking Program
Is the Self-Help Group banking a viable commercial proposition?