All Publications

Showing 451 - 460 of 939

Microfinance Regulation and Supervision in Mongolia

Analysis and recommendations for improving the performance of the microfinance sector in Mongolia

Highlight on China, Part 3 - Interview with GTZ

What are the main issues that the Chinese Government needs to address on microfinance?

Effect of Microfinance Operations on Poor Rural Households and the Status of Women

Evaluating impact of microfinance projects
Case Study

Microfinance, Poor Rural Households, and Women

Reviewing ADB's microfinance strategy

Adjustment and Recovery in Thailand Two Years after the Tsunami

How can developed countries best assist disaster-hit developing countries?

Field Manual - Supporting Microfinance Through Grants in Post-Crisis Settings

Supporting MFIs in countries recovering from conflict or natural disaster
Case Study

Managing Agricultural Risk at the Country Level: The Case of Index-based Livestock Insurance in Mongolia

Designing a sustainable livestock insurance program