All Publications

Showing 811 - 820 of 877

SME Cluster and Network Development in Developing Countries: The Experience of UNIDO

Building up clusters to empower small and medium enterprises: A study

The Poor and Their Money: What Have We Learned?

Can the donor community still play an effective role in supporting microfinance institutions?
Case Study

Reforming Credit Unions in Honduras

USAID's efforts to strengthen credit unions in Honduras

Apex Microfinance Institutions: A Review of Their Record

Examining the resaons why apex organizations have performed disappointingly
Case Study

Banco Caja Social (BCS), Colombia (Case Study)

What are successful strategies in savings mobilisation?
Case Study

Case Studies in Microfinance: Ecuador - Oscus (AMBATO) and Progreso (QUITO) Credit Unions

An analysis of the Oscus and Progreso credit unions in Ecuador

Comparative Analysis of Savings Mobilization Strategies

Analyzing the savings mobilization strategies of six institutions
Guide / Toolkit

Credit with Education Learning Game

How to train to start a credit association?

Microfinance Enters the Marketplace

Who are the new entrants in the microfinance market and how will they effect the incumbents?

Microfinance for Sanitation

Learnings from experiences with microfinance in water and sanitation schemes