All Publications

Showing 781 - 790 of 877
Case Study

Financiera Trisan: An Agricultural Credit Card Innovator

Has the Credit Card program been successful in Costa Rica?

Group Lending Under Dynamic Incentives as a Borrower Discipline Device

Does group lending mitigate some risky investment behavior?

How to Regulate and Supervise Microfinance? - Key Issues in an International Perspective

What risks and profiles are common to the regulation of microfinance institutions?

Lessons Learned in Rural Finance at the Inter-American Development Bank

Rural finance in Latin America: How can it be developed?

Mainstreaming Microfinance of Housing

Is housing microfinance set to be the next big thing?

Microcredit and the Poorest of the Poor: Theory and Evidence from Bolivia

What determines the depth of outreach?

Small Business Promotion and Microlending: A Comparative Assessment of Jamaican and Israeli NGOs

How much does institutional bureaucracy influence organisational outcomes?

The Latin American Microfinance Industry: How does it Measure Up?

Benchmark indicators for the Latin microfinance sector